Thursday, September 17, 2015

Sep 17 - S10 Blazer stuff fits!

So I slid one of the blazer axles on to check the spline alignment and it looks good. When I grip the inside bit (on the axle) and twist it, with it in the hub, there is a very slight bit of play in it. I'm hoping that's normal, I'll read up on it. Or if I put some anti seize on it it'll take out that little bit of movement it has.  I'll ask others on another forum I'm on to see what they have to say about it.

I tried to test the length of the drivers side but I can't get it in there with the blazer axle. Not enough room to get past the transmission. I'll pull those big pieces off before I try again on that one.

Oh yeah, and the axle end pokes out too far for the wheels' center cap. I suspect I can cut it down and bevel the edge again.   The other picture still has the shipping plastic bag over the axle so it doesn't get all nasty while I'm poking around.  I'm sure it won't be long and those will be out of the bag and separated so I can join them back together with the G6 axle parts.


I'm having issues getting my axles apart.  Any suggestions?  This is the wheel end of the deal.  The tripot was easy.

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Sep 15 - Some axles came in

I got some axles in today.  The G6 ones.  I also got the axle nuts.  A plug for the transmission so I can add fluid now. 

Won't get to work on it any until Friday (if I'm that lucky).  So I'll have the other axles (the S10 Blazer ones) by then so I can start working on axle lengths and such. 

I'll also have my new 3D printer in here too.  So I can start to get good with that thing and begin some smaller parts.  Maybe work my way up to making my own intake for the vaporizer.  :-D

Monday, September 7, 2015

Sep 3 - Motor is finally in!!!

I'm so proud to say that I have the motor in the car now.  Of course there is a ton more to do, but at least I finally got it to fit in.  I'll have to go back and weld in more metal where I had to remove a good bit, but I'm on my way now.  So crucial getting past this step as it was holding up so much other progress that could have been made but was unable due to not knowing where things would go relative to where the motor/transmission were going to be.  Here's a few pics of it in there.